: MEDIA : Chametz Characters

"CHAMETZ: The Search is On!" incorporates 6 colorful characters as "pawns." Click a character below to load a high-resolution JPEG that may be downloaded for publication: (To view other game parts, click Chametz Box and Board).

Colonel Moti: (Colonel Moti Rakia is a decorated officer in the Israeli Navy. His wife Eliana was a nurse at Hadassah Hospital. Moti and Eliana have twins, Chaim and Tzipporah. His favorite snack is a chocolate chip cookie.)

Rabbi Greenberg: (Rabbi Stuart Greenberg is the Senior Rabbi of a mid-sized congregation. He credits Rabbis Soloveichik and Abraham Joshua Heschel as his primary inspirations to entering the rabbinate. R' Greenberg enjoys learning Gemarrah with his havrusah "Dan." He also enjoys a nice slice of pizza.)

Mrs. Weiss: (Mrs. Aviva Weiss was born in Brooklyn and married her high school sweetheart, Abe. Four years ago, Abe passed away and left her as the sole heir of his diamond mine. Mrs. Weiss' net worth is estimated at 40 billion dollars. Her favorite snack is graham crackers.)

Professor Slivovitz: (Gershon Slivovitz grew up in the Hasidic tradition and is the youngest of 13 boys. The professor teaches endocrinology at a major medical school. He became a teacher because he figured twelve rabbis in the family was plenty. His favorite snack is hard pretzels.)

Chaim: (Chaim Rakia is one of Colonel Moti's twins. He excels at math and baseball. His favorite singer is Yoni Rechter. His favorite food is cupcakes.)

Tzipporah: (Tzipporah Rakia is another of Colonel Moti's twins. She enjoys music and soccer and loves to eat donuts or "sufganiyot.")