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Hazakah Games (and one book)!

Tap an image below to get more details (or you might jump right to our Etsy shop to get the download right away).

High Holy Days Escape Room Title Card
Chametz game box - Jewish Game
Yiddishe Kop game box - Jewish Game
Purim Escape Room Lottery Logo
Hebrew Word Search title card
Guess What Yiddishkeit!
Guess Who? Rabbis
Chametz game box - Jewish Game
Chai Five t-shirt
Squirrel book cover

Last year we got the game “chametz” and it was a huge family hit!

(via email)

As I unpacked the pieces, I laughed out loud at the cleverness… [and] So considerate of Sabbath observant players! … (no muktzah at all)… It’s fun! ‘nuff said. Rating: 5 of 5. My first perfect toy rating!

Ann D. Koffsky
